Tuesday, November 26, 2019

My love for all things dance

I first witnessed ballet was when I was seven years old. My mother had taken me to see the Sadlers Wells Ballet perform Les Sylphides in London, and I was instantly mesmerized! Little did I know at the time that I would become a professional dancer, and then later transition to a costume designer.

That's not me in the photo. I just like the picture!
I never lost my love of dance and dancers. I know how hard it is to train, to become really good, and how short a ballet career will most likely be. Dancers of any age speak a common language, a language of sore muscles, intense and disciplined training, and the pure joy of artistic expression through movement.

In fact, it was my experience as a dancer that got me my first costuming job. I met one of the producers of Ann-Margret's lavish Las Vegas act, who was looking for someone to co-ordinate the 12 dancers' and 6 singers' costumes for her show. I thought I didn't know anything about costumes, only having worn them, never having made them, but the brilliant producer said I must understand what dancers need, and so gave me the job! That was what started it all.

Through Ann-Margret, I met Bob Mackie and became his assistant for the lavish Las Vegas show "Jubilee," and once again found myself costuming dancers. During rehearsals, I even took class with them from time to time if I wasn't busy downstairs in the wardrobe department. 

Leigh Taylor Young in Passions"
Many years later, while designing the show Passions, I had an unusual experience with actress Leigh Taylor Young. It turned out we had a unique connection from the past. She asked me, "Were you ever a student at the National Ballet School in Toronto?" I was surprised at the question, as that wasn't something that was in my bio. It turns out that she was also a ballet student there, a couple of years younger, and "looked up" to me, one of the "older" students at age fourteen!

From ballet to Broadway to ball gowns in Hollywood. Who would have thought!

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Santa Barbara 1992 Costume Sketches

Amazing time on the Santa Barbara Reunion Cruise. Cast and fans both so gracious and kind! These are a unique and wonderful group of people and I'm so glad I came. I will be writing more about the trip in a day or two when I am home.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

An exciting week, with more to come!

This past week has been full of activity and progress on my book "Stars in Their Underwear!" The manuscript is now in the hands of an agent who represents a best selling author who was one of my teachers at the International Women's Writers Guild Summer Conference last July. And the book is also in the hands of an editor who has edited many books, including those of my former co-author. So now it's wait and see!
It was difficult sending the manuscript after all the hard work as I couldn't help but want to go through it one more time and polish it some more! But that is a continual process, and I am sure once it has been read by the professionals, there will be changes and updates suggested.

Today I have been preparing for my Santa Barbara Reunion Cruise, and can't wait to see my former colleagues, actors Nic Coster, Judith McConnell, and A Martinez. All of them are truly delightful human beings and ones I couldn't be happier to be seeing again. I am also excited to meet the fans as I know how loyal a following the show had and still has.  For the fans, I have printed out 4 x 6 prints of a dozen of my Sant Barbara sketches and put each one in a little folder.  I have also created a four-minute mini-movie of the sketches interspersed with actual footage of the actors in the costumes! I will save showing it for the first time to the fans, but then upload it to YouTube for all to enjoy.

And then there was Halloween! It's never been my favorite holiday. I'm a bit of a wuss when it comes to scary things, not to mention skulls, blood and gore, and all versions of evil creatures. However, I got in the spirit enough to make myself a costume - a clear vinyl coat to which I added 3 dozen pockets made out of ziplock bags in which were all the items I would need for "Surviving a Disaster". I had miniatures of my favorite vodka and Roses lime, a sewing kit, toilet paper, cat food for Nala, a can opener, a screwdriver, an extra pair of underwear (red satin!), a deck of cards, soap, and all sorts of other things I thought were amusing. When I was growing up, Halloween costumes were never bought. One had to be clever and create something fun out of whatever you could find, so that's what I did.

So, two days from now I will be aboard the Navigator of the Seas and heading to the Bahamas. I am sure I will be writing about the experience, so stay tuned!